
Command Line Options#

Quick Start:

$ gstore --token "$TOKEN" ~/backup


gstore [options] [[--] target]
-h, --help

Print help message and quit.

--token TOKEN

A Personal Access Token for GitHub API requests. If not provided via this option, then environment variable will be used. The order of searching for a token in environment variables as follows (in order of precedence):



Setting these variables allows you not to not pass token directly via CLI and avoids storing it in the Shell history.

--host HOST

The GitHub API hostname. If not provided via this options, then GH_HOST environment variable will be used. If environment variable is not set, will be used.

-o ORG, --org ORG

Organization to sync (all if not provided). Option is additive, and can be used multiple times.

-r REPO, --repo REPO

Limit sync to the specified repository, otherwise sync all repositories (format org:repo). Option is additive, and can be used multiple times.

-v, --verbose

Enable verbose mode. Causes Gstore to print debugging messages about its progress in some cases.

-j [JOBS], --jobs [JOBS]

The maximum number of concurrent processes to use when syncing. If JOBS is omitted the maximum number of available CPU cores will be used as a number of jobs. The use of JOBS value of 1 can be used to limit to a single job.

-q, --quiet

Silence any informational messages, but not error ones.

-V, --version

Print program’s version information and quit.


Print the version of the program and don’t do anything else.

[--] target

Base target to sync repos (e.g. folder on disk). If not provided environment variable GSTORE_DIR will be used. If there is no environment variable, then current working directory will be used.


Sync all repos from all organizations#

The example below will perform HTTP requests to GitHub API. In general, we’ll need to obtain GitHub username, and to get a list of user’s organizations. At the end Gstore will sync repositories of organizations via Git.

$ gstore --token "$TOKEN" ~/backup

Unless you set the GSTORE_DIR environment variable and don’t provide target directory, Gstore will sync all the repositories to current working directory.:

# Will sync all the repositories to current working directory
$ gstore --token "$TOKEN"

# Will sync all the repositories to ~/backup directory
$ export GSTORE_DIR=~/backup
$ export GH_TOKEN="secret"
$ gstore

# Will sync all the repositories to ~/backup directory
$ gstore --token "$TOKEN" ~/backup


Gstore will show help message and exit when it is called without any argument and there are not enough environment variables for normal operation.

Sync all repos from an organization#

To get all repositories of a specific organization, just specify it as follows:

$ gstore --org Acme --token "$TOKEN" ~/backup

Sync specified repos from an organization#

To get only specified repos for a particular organization use --repo option. This option is additive, and can be used multiple times.:

$ gstore --org Acme --repo Acme:foo --repo Acme:bar \
    --token "$TOKEN" ~/backup

Sync all repos from many organizations#

To get repositories from specific organizations, list each of them on the command line using the option --org as follows:

$ gstore --token "$TOKEN" --org Foo --org Bar --org Baz ~/backup

Option --org is additive, and can be used multiple times.

Using Github Enterprise#

There is nothing special when working with the Github Enterprise, except for the host and possible environment variables.:

# Using command line options to configure Gstore
$ gstore --token "secret" --host "" ~/backup

# Using environment variables to configure Gstore
$ export GH_ENTERPRISE_TOKEN="secret"
$ export GH_HOST=""
$ gstore ~/backup